Catalog Revisions 2023-2024

Summary of Curriculum Deadlines 2023-2024

Catalog Revision Process

Every year we ask departments and programs to review catalog copy for the next University Catalog. There are four sections of the catalog that need to be reviewed - courses, academic programs, departmental sections, and administration and faculty listings. During the fall, we ask for proposals for changes to any of these sections.

Changes to Courses, Academic Programs, and Policies

  • Any change to catalog copy other than text under the Overview tab must go through a submission and approval process.  The web pages Approval Process and Submission Process have more details on this process.
  • Courses -- Final deadline for new courses and modifications to existing ones: 

December 15, 2023

  • Academic Programs -- Final deadline for new programs and modifications to existing ones:  

December 15, 2023

Changes to Department or Program Overview Tab

  • Copy the sections you want to change into a Word document and use track changes; email the document to

  • Department and Program Sections -- Deadline for changes:  12/15/23.

Changes in the  Administration and Faculty Listing

  • Send all changes to the Administration and Faculty catalog listing by email to
  • For new faculty members, please use the following format:  Last name, first name, middle initial, title. First degree date, institution; next degree date, institution; next degree date, institution.

  • For current faculty members, delete all faculty who have left and make title changes for faculty who have been promoted. 

  • Do not include adjuncts or affiliates in the Administration and Faculty listings.
  • Administration and Faculty listing -- Deadline for changes: 1/15/2024 (tentative)


If you have any questions, please contact Jill Bowen at (703) 993-8721.