Cassie Larson

Cassie Larson

Cassie Larson

Describe your dissertation, thesis, or capstone (if you completed one):

For the capstone project for the MA HESD program we were tasked to create a digital portfolio highlighting our coursework, academic achievement, and professional development throughout our time in the program. My professor for this class, Amy Lewis, was actually someone who I worked with professionally in my current position and so it was an enlightening experience to work with her in a student/professor capacity. She taught me the importance of self-reflection and it is an activity I now try to incorporate in my student leader trainings.

Link to capstone project:

How did you choose your specific area of study?

I had been working at Mason for almost 4 years when I decided to apply for the MA HESD program. I received my BA from Mason in Global Affairs, shortly after moved overseas to teach English, and now currently work with international students. I always thought I would stay in the international realm until one of my close colleagues began her MA studies in the program, another colleague was completing their certificate, and with encouragement from my supervisor at the time, I enrolled in a class as a Non-Degree student. That experience re-energized me and it reinforced the idea that higher education and student development was an area I wanted to invest my time and energy into developing further.

How did your academic experiences in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences impact you?

This program provided me the theories, knowledge, and context to explain why I do what I do in my professional role. I already had the practical experience but I needed the theoretical knowledge in order to become a more effective student affairs professional. This program helped me to accomplish that.

Of which accomplishment(s) during your time at Mason are you most proud?

My proudest accomplishment was completing my practicum experience during the Summer 2021 semester. During that time, I also had to take on additional responsibilities when my supervisor moved overseas, navigate new processes for international student arrivals during a pandemic, and started interviewing for positions so I could begin getting some interview practice. Some of this stress was self-inflicted but my practicum supervisor, Sam Greenberg, was extremely supportive throughout the whole experience. She utilized strengths I already possessed while giving me opportunities to learn new skills.

Are there faculty or staff members who made a difference during your Mason career?

Every faculty and staff member both in the Higher Education program and in the larger Mason community have made a difference during my time at Mason. I have highlighted a few in my answers and if I go into highlighting each one, this answer would never end. I will say two faculty members who impacted me in an unexpected way are Carrie Klein and Hironao Okahana. I only enrolled in their Organization and Administration in Higher Education course because I enjoyed Carrie Klein's Management in Student Affairs course so much. I was surprised to learn how much I actually enjoyed organizational theory, and while I do not claim to completely understand it, that course has influenced me into looking to enroll for an Organizational Design certificate in the near future.

What advice would you give to an incoming cohort of graduate students?

I would want to tell incoming graduate students that they will accomplish their goal and they will get their degree. I would advise them to take advantage of each opportunity they are able to whether it is in the classroom, on campus, or in their current professional role. Finally, I would to tell them something that was told to me many times, which is to take their mental well-being into account. To know their limits, and to not be scared to ask for help.

What are your current career plans following graduation? What are your long-term career goals?

I actually just accepted a position at another institution! After 10+ years at Mason (I am including my 4 year undergraduate experience here), I will be leaving at the end of the year and moving to Long Island to be the Assistant Director of Orientation and New Student Programs at Hofstra University. I am super excited for this position as it is exactly what I want. I see myself working in orientation and new student transitions for the foreseeable future and I hope to continue growing professionally and personally while also making positive impacts on students' transitioning to higher education.