Free mental health resource available to the Mason family

Free mental health resource available to the Mason family

“Stepped Mental Health Care” for George Mason University faculty, staff, contractors, and students at the George Mason University Center for Psychological Services provides mental health care for individuals through 4 “steps” that each use evidence-based approaches for treating various presenting concerns (e.g., stress, anxiety, depression, substance use as a secondary concern, and other mental illnesses). At each level of care, properly trained and supervised mental health trainees deliver services that are provided either free (steps 1 and 2) or on an income-based sliding scale (steps 3 and 4).

Step 1:

Telephone helpline access 7 days/week from 8:30am-8:30pm (English line: (703) 215-1898) and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Spanish line: (703) 914-3878), using an evidence-informed approach to address acute issues, with screening for -problems that require more intensive treatment.

Step 2:

3-session telehealth intervention, using an evidence-informed approach to addressing mental health problems, with continued screening for problems that require more intensive treatment.

Step 3:

Referral for full services (via telehealth or in-person) through expanded services at the Center for Psychological Services.

Step 4:

Step 3 + medication management, if indicated (via telehealth or in-person) at the Center for Psychological Services and Mason’s Population Health Center.