Faculty Professional Development Opportunities from the Office of Faculty Affairs and Research Development Services

Greetings! We hope you are doing well, and that you are finding a rhythm to your semester. This point in the semester may be a good time to look ahead and plan some time for professional development. There are a range of topic areas in the options below and we hope to see you at one of these sessions.

A new offering this year, the Interactive Workshop Series from Faculty Affairs and Research Development Services launches on September 27th. Our first workshop “Aligning Your Time and Priorities” will be held virtually September 27, 1:00-2:30 to help you align your time with your career goals for this academic year. Registration required to receive the Zoom access.

Also coming up in late September is the next workshop in the “How To Be An Anti-Racist Researcher” series, sponsored by the College of Education and Human Development’s Division of Educational Psychology and Research Methods. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, September 29 from 1:00-3:00pm via Zoom. Register now to get access to the Zoom link.

Lastly, we want to remind you about the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), a professional development resource you have free access to through Mason. While there are a wide range of resources available through NCFDD, a nice introduction to their approach is signing up for the “Monday Motivator” which provides weekly tips for managing workload and staying committed to your goals. To learn more and activate your free account, please visit our page on NCFDD.

Contact Faculty Affairs and Research Development at facaffs@gmu.edu with questions or comments at any time.