Faculty Should Establish Emergency Virtual Teaching Coverage

Should a faculty member for any reason not be able to teach their virtual course this semester, a backup instructor or “faculty buddy” should have access to course information via BlackBoard (Bb). To do this, faculty should sign up with the Stearns Center to have their “buddy” enrolled in their Bb course. That person is not the individual who would take over, but that would be a person on record in the department who has access and knowledge and can help add students into the course. For a full semester substitution, the Office of the Registrar recommends adding a secondary instructor on the class in Banner. The person taking over the course must have the appropriate credentials. Units should have a contingency plan in place and should communicate broadly on how faculty substitutions should happen. If a department decides it wants several people to have access to courses in their area, a scheduler can complete a form, a person of authority (chair) can authorize, and then ITS can authorize at course level, department level, or college level.