Accelerated MA in Global Affairs

Joaquín Pérez

Joaquín Pérez

Where are you from?

I'm from Falls Church, VA but live right here in Fairfax, VA!

What aspects of Mason made you choose to study here? What is your undergraduate major?

One of the major aspects of Mason that made me want to study here was the study abroad program, because nowhere else had I seen the option for students to study abroad during their first year, as well as the ability to participate in an accelerated master. My undergraduate major is in Global Affairs, with a concentration in Latin America. 

Why did you choose to do the Accelerated MA/BAM program? 

I chose to do the accelerated master because there were several benefits to doing so, which ranged from a reduced tuition rate, as well as the ability to make your credits apply to both degrees through "double dipping."

What has been your favorite class or experience in the Accelerated MA/BAM program or what are you looking forward to the most in the program?

As I've just begun the BAM, I can't say for certain what my favorite course might be, but I am ecstatic to participate in GLOA 710: Seminar Abroad which may grant me with the possibility to explore a country I've never visited before while broadening my horizons! 

How do you think the Accelerated MA/BAM program will prepare you for your future career?

I believe the BAM program will prepare me for my future career by granting me advanced knowledge about a variety of topics which impact individuals, organizations, etc. around the globe in an ever-evolving environment of globalization. 

Do you have any advice for prospective students to the Accelerated MA/BAM program?

I would say the sooner you can start, the better! That way you can truly take advantage of all the benefits of participating in this type of program, such as "double dipping," reduced tuition rate, and the granting of two degrees in the time it normally takes to complete just one!

What are some causes/issues you care about? Why?

As a Latino and more specifically a Puerto Rican, I am passionate about advocating for the well-being and rights of individuals in the region of Latin America & the Caribbean whether it be issues stemming from migration, poverty, or international justice I would like to be able to contribute positive change towards the communities I am proud to be a part of.

What work/intern/volunteer experience do you have and how has it prepared you for your studies?

I have interned for the non-profit organization, Manna Project International which operates out of Sangolquí, Ecuador. This specific organization aims to create "bottom-up" change in impoverished communities, and impower individuals. Some of the work which I performed during this internship included helping establish a microloan program which would help jumpstart businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the translation of documents from Spanish to English, participation in racial justice discussions, as well as the instruction of English language classes for a variety of age groups. 

What do you hope to accomplish while at Mason?

While at Mason, I hope to become a more prepared global citizen through the various courses and career opportunities offered at Mason as I prepare to enter the workforce. 

What are your hobbies?

In my free time, I really enjoy traveling, writing, hiking, and playing videogames on the Nintendo Switch.

What is your favorite thing about being a student?

My favorite thing about being a student is my ability to have my curiosities answered, and constantly being able to expand my knowledge on topics I never thought I would be discussing. 

Which languages do you speak?

I pride myself on being a bit of a polyglot! I am fluent in English & Spanish, and have taken courses in German, Arabic, and Portuguese. 

What was the last book you read? Do you recommend it? Why or why not?

The last book I read was The Little School by Alicia Partnoy. The book was a fascinating, as well as tragic recounting of the Dirty War period of Argentina from a first-person perspective as the author herself was once held in the clandestine detention centers which unfortunately marked this period of Argentine history. I highly recommend it for anybody interested in Latin American history/government! It is not well known to many people, and I surely became more aware of these events through reading it.